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When you’re looking for an office cleaning service, it can be helpful to know which expectations are reasonable and which are a bit far-fetched.

When it comes to finding a premium office cleaning service, you need to realize what janitorial services typically entail and what you should and shouldn’t expect—without specific communications and, possibly, extra fees.


Regular Tasks

A typical office cleaning service will complete the following tasks on a daily basis:

  • Vacuuming floors
  • Sweeping and mopping floors
  • Emptying trash
  • Dusting and wiping down hard surfaces
  • Cleaning bathrooms


You will need to provide specific details regarding any offices that remain locked or what to do when employees work late. You’ll also need to be very detailed regarding which areas fall under the responsibilities of the company you hire. Trash cans should be emptied daily, and surfaces should generally not be allowed to accumulate dust. Sometimes, floors may appear to be unclean when there is a need for maintenance or replacement, though, so you should evaluate your facilities before determining realistic goals for your janitorial staff.


Extra Projects

Often, you can hire the same company that performs your regular office cleaning service to periodically perform the following specialty tasks:

  • Stripping and waxing tile floors
  • Shampooing carpet and upholstery
  • Washing windows
  • Deep-cleaning and disinfecting bathrooms
  • Cleaning out refrigerators
  • Performing light maintenance


Of course, you can expect these additional services to come with additional pricing. You can work out a project schedule and fee payment schedule with your office cleaning service. You should expect to pay for any additional chemicals and equipment, as well as the additional worker hours needed to perform these tasks. If you prefer to have them done during regular hours, the time allotted will likely need to be increased as will the funding.


Illegitimate Expectations

Sometimes, managers have unreasonable expectations for their janitorial services they hire. For instance, expecting janitors to move heavy objects, paperwork, or other clutter is not a fair expectation. In fact, unless an item is in the trash, they will be instructed to leave it where it is—even if it’s a day-old sandwich that doesn’t smell all that sweet. Touching personal property of employees (such as picture frames or other cubicle décor items) is usually off-limits, too. The risk of damaging or disposing of items that are to be kept carries with it too much risk. Cleaning out the refrigerator can be a similarly conflicting task; it’s best to have regular employees empty the refrigerator and then ask your janitors to do the actual cleaning (and, of course, empty that nasty trash can!)


As you price and evaluate various office cleaning service professionals, make sure you’re being realistic regarding your expectations and how realistic they are.



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