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Bed Bug Insecticides Causing Sickness, Officials Warn

THURSDAY, Sept. 22 (HealthDay News) — Bed bug infestations are bad enough, but a new report finds that more than 100 Americans have become sickened from exposure to the insecticides used to eliminate the pests.

The cases happened across seven states, researchers said, and bed bug insecticide exposure may have even contributed to one death.

“The majority of cases involved misuse,” said report co-author Dr. Geoffrey Calvert, a medical officer at the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

Ten Health Benefits of a Clean House

You’ve probably heard people say, “Why clean the house if it’s just going to get dirty again?” This excuse may ring true for some, but people should also know that there are more incentives to cleaning than just having a sparkling house. The act of cleaning has many physical, mental, and emotional benefits that may improve one’s health. Check out these 10 health benefits of a clean house and get scrubbing!

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